วิธี SSH แบบต่างๆ Copy มาอีกแล้ว!!

By | 12/11/2012


Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is used for secure data communication, remote shell services or command execution and other secure network services between two networked computers that it connects via a secure channel over an insecure network. This quick guide explains you how to login into remote server or client machine using SSH.

SSH login with IP address and Password

#ssh <username>@<ipaddress>

#ssh <ipaddress>

For example :

#ssh root@


SSH login with ip address and ssh key ( pem key )

#ssh -i <key> <username>@<ip_address>

For Example:

#ssh -i myserver.pem root@

SSH login with DNS and ssh key ( pem key )

#ssh -i <key> <username>@<dns>

For Example:

#ssh -i myserver.pem root@ec2-xxxxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com

#ssh -i myserver.pem root@abcdefg.com

SSH login with port number

#ssh -i <key> <username>@<ip_address> -p <port_number>

#ssh -i <key> <username>@<dns> -p <port_number>

#ssh <username>@<ip_address> -p <port_number>

#ssh <username>@<dns> -p <port_number>

For Example:

#ssh -i myserver.pem root@ -p 2018

#ssh -i myserver.pem root@ec2-xxxxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com -p 2018

#ssh root@ -p 2018

# ssh  root@abcdefgh.com -p 2018

If you want to login to remote machine frequently with ip address, then it is wise to add it in /etc/hosts

vim /etc/hosts               sathish

save and quit the file.

Now login with name instead of ip address

For Example

#ssh root@sathish

#ssh sathish

It will check the entries in /etc/hosts file and trying to login with appropriate details.

ที่มา http://linuxinternetworks.com/linux/ssh-login-how-to-login-into-serverclient-using-ssh-remote-machine/
